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Shamanic / Nature / Totems / Psychic-Spirit Artist

Deanna Galbraith is what is termed as ‘Sensitive’, a psychic, shamanic artist and mystic working through the healing wisdom of the natural world - Plant, Crystal, Elemental, Devic and Animal Medicine; Angels and Guides; the divinatory art of Natural symbology / Numerology / Tarot…to help empower and guide a shift in consciousness.


Shifting Consciousness                                  

“If we are not more spiritually connected to Nature, we will not survive…Through my creative works I assist a shift in human consciousness required for a more intimate, comprehensive dialogue with our living planet...our fates are interwoven - what we do to one affects ALL... my art is usually commissioned and personal, taking one on a journey into the heart of the Great Mother Earth...recipients step into the Shamanic world of visionary art where ALL is conscious and alive with Spirit speaks through Trees, Minerals, Animals, Elementals, Guides and Angels... bringing special guidance, blessings, wisdom, love and healing medicine! I forge a connection with Spirit, Guides and Animal Totems, so that one may consider a more holistic approach to healing – Mind, Body and Spirit!

We are supposed to remember that we’re Spiritual Beings having a physical experience, and not the other way around… but life is a contact sport that has left us licking scar tissue from many destructive human endeavors since antiquity.  We are like shattered mirrors across time and space trying to retrieve these fragments, to forgive, let go and heal so we can find our way home…to ourselves. Back to the beginning to become One - it is an important journey – the future of our planet depends on it.”

The Craft

Predominantly work in Chalk Pastels on paper, but also paint with Acrylic water-based paints on stretched canvas; stretched cotton fabric (medicine shields) and on larger work-surfaces indoor and outdoor murals.

Connections are forged with other dimensional realities through spiritual counselling / readings / healings / art and shamanic craft... an in-depth explanation includes symbology, concept, elements and balancing medicine, metaphysical teachings, colour vibration/meaning as well as the identities and roles of spirit guiding beings...gender and cultural roles and status...the plants, trees and flowers are also powerful totems with their own special teachings and essences.

Paintings & Shamanic Craft

Apart from the large “full-soul-painting” – the benefit of which is a general soul overview and connection to one’s core guiding team and the influence of all energies in your life -  I also pastel-paint what I call, single-guides (a smaller pastel-painting), the benefit of which is the experience of watching the image materialise in front of you!

The “Medicine Shield” (the circular artwork) reflects the symbology of a warrior’s medicine. The meaning of the shield extends beyond the practical aspects of healing. It’s “medicine” reaches symbolic and sacred spiritual forces often used and called upon to induce altered states of consciousness. This spiritual power or wisdom can be held by supernatural forces and beings, spirit guides in the form of tribal elders and ancestors, animal, plant and mineral totems, fetishes etc. The Shields can be made traditionally circular, or other sacred geometric shapes. They are usually embellished with beads, crystals or natural fetishes like feathers, leather, charms, shells, leaves, pods, seeds, bark or wood...

Specially crafted Shamanic Tools include a wide range of sacred, textured elements including crystals, beads, symbols, plant and animal fetishes (via feathers, leather, charms, shells, leaves, pods, seeds, bark and wood...clay or painted images etc...All channelled items are created in mindful, sacred space and channelled for the highest good - Crystal pipes / Crystal wands / Talking Sticks, Shamanic Lances, Shamanic Walking Stick, natural Dream Catchers (large or petite for the car), reflective Sun Catchers, Angelic Sun Catchers, Medicine Pouches and Bags, Medicine/Meditation shawls, painted Meditation cushion covers (Continental size), sacred painted Medicine Waist-Coats, dream-journals... etc. Animal totem paintings are also popular in pastel, (same sizes as for guide paintings) or acrylic (varied canvas sizes).

Experience & Education

Matriculated at West Ridge High School, West Rand. Earlier career in journalism/print/television media. Spirit guidance/training via metaphysician Kumi; and Shamanic Channel & Medium Lionel Berman.

No formal art training. I do teach one-on-one students to connect and create within the shamanic realm.

I have been painting and consulting professionally from the early 1990’s.

****Also a reminder to connect with me on Facebook for examples of my Art and Shamanic philosophy. “Deanna’s Shamanic Art” and “Deanna’s Shamanic Journey” pages. 

Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa

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